
Blight knights of Nurgle

A long long time ago me with some help from Animerik/gspirate started working on a "true" hordes of chaos army combining warriors, beastmen and daemons from all the different chaos gods lead by a chaos undivided Lord. We had some great man-dates doing nothing but building, converting and painting models! Those were the days...

Then I ended up working far too much, having two kids and Animerik got a real job. And the nurgle part of the army really spun out of proportion. Too many ideas... So here we are still prodding along with the Nurgle army. Ever. So. Slowly. Years. Later.

But there is light in the end of the Nurgle tunnel! Here comes the last addition built in modern time.

There was just too many parts left over from the Blightkings kit to not try to use them. So I made green stuff cast of their backs using Instamold.

Together with chaos knights steeds and random parts from all manner of kits thrown in, I built my first Blight knights of Nurgle.

More of these to come!